

ARP journals online comes with a very assessable publication platform for everyone; especially the students. We therefore introduce to you a platform that will launch you into the world of research and research publication(s). The student’s publication platform (STUPUB) is a platform for students and young researchers all over the world to express themselves and share their views.


The objective of this student’s publication platform is:

  • Encouraged them to compose essays based on their areas of interest.
  • Encouraged them to soar in the world of research and research publication.
  • Admonished them to share their findings and understandings on any research topic/matter or problems and many more.


The benefits of publishing on this platform are enormous. Some of the benefits include:

(1) Award of a Publication Certificate: A publication certificate shall be awarded to all student-authors whose articles make it to the publication platform after a thorough review by the editorial board.

(2) Best Article of the month Award: The best article of the month award shall attract a financial reward and the winner shall be decided by the number of online page-views and content assessment by the Editorial Board.

(3) Offer of an Internship Training Position: Consecutive ‘Best Article of the month Award’ with outstanding articles shall be offered an internship Training Position as an intern, with a monthly stipend under the sponsorship of the Innovative Science Research Foundation (ISREF).

(4) Article Upgrade for Publication In Main Journals: Best outstanding articles with relevant/innovative contents shall be upgraded for publication in main Journals of Anthonio Research Publication: International Journal of Community Research (IJCR); International Journal of Herbs and Pharmacological Research (IJHPR); International Journal of Basic, Applied, and Innovative Research (IJBAIR).


The following Rules must be adhered to:

(1) Articles must not be more than 2000 words

(2) Article font style must be Times New Roman at font size 12

(3) Article title must in itself be suitable and educative to give a general idea of the argument in the article.

(4) Contents must be strictly academic; no vulgar contents would be allowed to go through the editorial phase.

(5) Ideas have to be original unless stated otherwise; if not, the rules against plagiarism must be adhered to.

(6) Articles must be submitted online via the email address provided below.

(7) Name of student author and affiliations must be included just below the title.

(8) An article processing fee of N1000 (Naira) shall be charged for all articles that make it to the publication platform.

(9) Articles will be reviewed by the editorial team ARP Journals and deemed fit for online publishing before publishing itself commences.

(10) Effort must be made by the student author in ensuring that article destined for submission is properly edited before final submission online.


Anyone who has a good command of English Language and with an affiliation is qualified to make a submission.


Address: Anthonio Research Center
#40 Ujoelen Road Off Evergreen Hotel Ekpoma,
Edo State, Nigeria

Tel: +234-803-744-1401;